2 cups chopped pumpkin
1/2 can coconut milk
1 vegetable bouillon cube or 2 cups vegetable broth
2 Tsp grated Ginger
1 small onion sliced
1/2 Tsp olive oil
1 Tsp Coriander pd
1/2 Tsp Cumin pd
1/2 Tsp Turmeric pd
(or just use red curry paste instead of above spices)
Red chilly sauce and salt to taste
Optional to add at the end:
Half lime, pumpkin seeds
Chopped cilantro
Baby spinach
1 cup cubed and toasted Tofu
Saute onion and ginger with a tsp of olive oil.
Add pumpkin and water and cook pumpkin for 10-15 mins until soft.
Blend together along with spices and coconut milk
Add 2 cups water or veggie broth (more or less) to dilute soup as needed and bring to a boil.
Garnish with lime juice and cilantro & pumpkin seeds.
You may add tofu and baby spinach if you like.
Serve hot.
This is adapted from an online recipe which used red curry paste for spice. The original recipe also blended in 1 Tbsp roasted peanuts or peanut/almond butter. It did not seem to make much difference to taste, so I left it out..